Sorry it's taking so long to post all of our Wisconsin vacation photos!

On the 4th day, we drove from the Dells to Door County, WI. On the way, we saw a flock of these large birds. They are at least several feet high. I haven't been able to identify them, though I think they might be a type of heron. Does anyone know what they are?
Thanks for the help, Tiffany B! They are sandhill cranes and they stand 47 inches, which is just barely shorter than Alex!

We also saw dozens of these enormous wind turbines. We never got very close to them, but we could tell they were huge! I see the blades of these things on trucks headed north from Houston all the time, and I didn't know what they were - but now I do!

And, here's our beautiful cottage on the lake!!! Isn't it cute? We LOVED this place. It was so homey. And, it was RIGHT on the lake. We crossed the little dirt road and...

...we were at this beach. Too bad it was so cold or we would have spent some time at the beach. But, it was COLD!!! And, even from our living room window we could see...

this lighthouse. Isn't that amazing!!! I was so happy my sister-in-law found this great place for us to stay! It was wonderful! They even had games to play and Alex enjoyed playing Door County Monopoly.